My go to All Natural Immune Boost Tea


3 Large Knobs of Fresh Ginger
1/4 cup of Ground Ginger
1/2 cup of Ground Turmeric
2 Large Size Lemons
1/2 cup of Honey
1/2 cup of Diced Fresh Pineapple
1 gallon of water
Large sauce or stock pot

1. Rinse all ingredients except for the ginger; when ginger skin get wet it is very hard to peel.
2. Peel Ginger with a large potage spoon(oval in shape)
3.Slice the Ginger thinly
4. Slice your two lemons into thin lemon wheels.
5. Place all ingredients into the pot including the water
6. Boil the fresh ginger (peeled and sliced thin) 2 lemons sliced into thin wheel, 1/4 cup of ground ginger, and 1 cup of honey in large pot of water (4 quarts). It needs to bowl at least 20/30min once the lemon wheels sink to the bottom take them out with a slotted spoon if u don't it will make the tea bitter.

For cold or allergies: Drink the tea twice a day hot it will be spicy but it will knock your symptoms right out.

For inflammation: add 1 tablespoon of ground turmeric to the recipe. Drink the tea post workout warm/hot. The recipe makes a large batch that can be kept refrigerated for 2 weeks. It's delicious iced as well, however when warm the nutrients absorb easier through your bloodstream.