Seamoss Benefits for your head…
4 tablespoons of Premium St. Lucian Wildcrafted Seamoss Gel contains 29.4mg of magnesium.
Which is 7% of the DV.
Magnesium consumption is important for all cells in your body.
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. It plays several important roles in the health of your body and brain.
However, you may not be getting enough of it, even if you eat a healthy diet. Here are 10 evidence-based health benefits of magnesium.
Magnesium Is Involved in Hundreds of Biochemical Reactions in Your Body
Magnesium is a mineral found in the earth, sea, plants, animals and humans.
About 60% of the magnesium in your body is found in your bones, while the rest is in muscles, soft tissues and fluids, including blood.
In fact, every cell in your body contains it and needs it to function.
One of magnesium’s main roles is acting as a cofactor or helper molecule in the biochemical reactions continuously performed by enzymes.
In fact, it’s involved in more than 600 reactions in your body, including:
Energy creation: Aids in the conversion of food into energy.
Protein formation: Aids in the creation of new proteins from amino acids.
Gene maintenance: Aids in the creation and repair DNA and RNA.
Muscle movements: Is part of the contraction and relaxation of muscles.
Nervous system regulation: Aids in the regulation of your neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system.
Unfortunately, studies suggest that about 50% of people in the US and Europe get less than the recommended daily amount of magnesium.
By adding two tablespoon of Premium St. Lucian Wildcrafted Seamoss Gel to your diet once in the morning and once in the evening you can substantially improving your overall health.